Professional Consulting Services


Our professionals immerse themselves in your organization, applying industry knowledge, powerful solutions, and innovative technology to deliver sustainable results. Whether it’s helping you lead an integration, risk mitigation, or digital transformation, Newk creates tailored data-driven solutions that help you deliver value, drive innovation, and build stakeholder trust

Would you like to work with a partner who helps you increase your agility with optimized business processes and robust technology infrastructure? So that you can focus on executing on your strategy and be sure that your IT systems and processes back your initiatives all the way.

Newk Solutions works with you to ensure that you always align your IT initiatives with your business goals. Our IT consulting services offerings range from IT strategy and process   Consulting to technology Consulting and solution architecture.

Benefits include reduction in IT costs, management of change and building competitive advantage. Newk Solutions differentiates itself with a unique business model driven by significant upfront investments in training and development of our personnel. Our team understands how to evaluate top talent, retain this talent and proactively address your needs.

By charting out a comprehensive IT strategy and roadmap with the help of our senior IT specialists, we address specific business and operational issues. We can also supplement your IT management team – over the short term, medium term and long term.

With our strong HR policies and our training and knowledge sharing networks, Newk Solutions ensures that experienced consultants, with the right skills, are assigned to each engagement.

Service Offerings:

Our key IT Consulting service offerings include:

  • Staff Augmentation
  • IT Strategic Consulting
  • Business process consulting
  • Technology Consulting
  • IT Transformation
  • Enterprise Architecture Services
  • Quality Management
  • Organization Change Management

Staff Augmentation

High-caliber teams or individual IT professionals for temporary support Contract professionals boost flexibility and productivity. Nearly 3.5 million contract professionals go to work at U.S. firms every day. Contract staffing goes by many names — staff augmentation, temporary staffing, contingent labor, consulting. Whatever term we use, it’s a recognized and sensible strategy to support your short-term needs and long-term growth. Professional Contract staffing is one of the Newk’s key services.

If you are looking to expand staffing levels with minimal risk, Newk can provide the highly skilled, mid- to senior-level contract professionals you need. Advantages include: Thorough screening and assessment according to exact specifications

  • Assurance of sourcing highly qualified personnel, even in tight labor markets
  • Immediate response from dedicated and specialized recruiting sector
  • Constantly expanding the talent pool so we’re ready when you call
  • Consultants who are valued as an integral part of our team, and therefore yours

Newk Solutions commitment and quality is best endorsed by the fact that only highly skilled and trained employees are enrolled with us. The screening of our consultants is done through extensive testing using globally established skill sets and well evolved parameters 

  • Well pooled resources profiling multiple skill sets.
  •  Minimum Turnaround Time for completion of projects.
  •  Services and resources at a reasonable cost structure.
  •  Commitment to contracted partners staffing requirements.
  •  Assist partners in cushioning staffing fluctuations.

IT Strategic Consulting

Develop an IT strategy that supports your business vision and create sustainable competitive advantage. 

Business Process Consulting

Map your business processes, identify areas for improvement, and create a process-oriented blueprint for implementing application systems that are aligned with your target business processes.

Technology Consulting

Provide you with a full assessment of new technologies and how you can leverage the technology for business gain. Evaluate returns from technology investments so that you can make the right choices. 

IT Transformation

Businesses across the globe are facing dynamic market and financial conditions, which are changing at a rapid pace not seen before. This has resulted in CIOs facing challenges like:

  • Aligning their IT systems to business goals, to be able to adapt effectively to meet the dynamic business demands.
  • Ensuring an agile, streamlined, and flexible IT infrastructure.
  • Upgrading their IS Organization’s role from an ‘IT support services provider’ to a business enabler


Organizations that are saddled with loosely integrated, complex IT systems have to, however, transform their IT Services (IS) Organization itself to ensure that IT improves operating efficiencies, reduces operating costs, ensures regulatory compliance and business agility, helps business growth, and enhances business value.

How Newk Solutions can help you

Newk Solutions helps enterprises transform their IT landscape by streamlining the IT processes, rationalizing the existing technology base; and enabling them to take advantage of modern, business-friendly technologies guided by a best-in-class governance structure to better align the IT system to the needs of the business.

Newk Solutions service offerings can be broadly categorized into two areas:

IT Transformation Assessment: Leveraging its ‘IS Organization Maturity Model’ and ‘Discovery Process’, ERP Global assesses the capability maturity of an enterprise’s IS Organization and creates an IT Transformation roadmap, identifying various transformational focus areas and providing recommendations to optimize the IT infrastructure and make it more efficient and adaptable. Some key areas for transformation include Infrastructure Transformation, Application Transformation, Business Process Transformation, IT Process Transformation, and Sourcing Transformation.

Program Management & Governance: Newk Solutions takes on end-to-end responsibility for ensuring the success of the transformation program, leveraging its proven governance capabilities.

Advantage Newk Solutions

  • Newk Solutions leverages its deep domain knowledge of multiple industry verticals, vast technology expertise, and proven experience in providing IT Services to more than 400 Fortune 1000 companies over a span of three decades, to ensure comprehensive, effective and value-driven IT Transformation for its clients.
  • Our suite of Transformation methodologies, processes, tools, and accelerators facilitates the client’s transformational program, thereby speeding time-to-market and ensuring optimal cost benefits.
  • Our IT Transformation services will enable an enterprise’s IS Organization to evolve into an ‘innovative business partner’ that can foresee business changes and provide analytics that enable the business to take more informed decisions.

Enterprise Architecture Services

Enterprise Architecture plays an important role in facilitating organization vision through governing and structuring the business-IT blueprint across the defined enterprises of an organization, enabling boundary-less communication within its value chain.

Enterprise Architecture adds value by accelerating strategic decision-making at the corporate level. It also facilitates implementation of strategic business decision-making at the operational level and helps improve speed-to-market at an effective cost.

In today’s complex and dynamic market, CXOs face many common enterprise- level challenges such as:

  • Developing programs to govern and generate a common platform between the business and IT community
  • Integrating multiple business functions of varying business lines within an organization or across organizations
  • Making strategic decisions and developing an organization roadmap for growth, either through consolidation or decentralization to attain elasticity, resilience and flexibility
  • Executing large enterprise programs to address common industry problems faced by organizations, such as Enterprise Architecture governance, Enterprise Data governance, Master Data Management, Enterprise Content Management

How Newk Solutions can help You

Newk Solutions Research & Innovation function has a dedicated Enterprise Architecture Practice comprising certified senior Enterprise and Technology architects, who have expertise on various industry domains and standard frameworks.  These senior Enterprise Architects at ERP Global have developed a ‘Just Enough Enterprise Architecture (JEEA)’ framework exclusively for ERP Global customers. During the initial phase of JEEA we assess the customer’s Enterprise Architecture maturity based on the JEEA maturity model, and driven by this we define a suitable Enterprise Architecture adoption strategy for phased implementation in the organization.

Newk Solutions Advantage

Our Enterprise Architecture Practice provides a strong foundation for managing an Enterprise Architecture program for our customers, through a host of advantages:

Strong team of certified Enterprise Architects: This team consults with our customers on their Enterprise Architecture initiatives.

Home grown solution frameworks: The Practice has developed various solution frameworks and tools based on industry standards, with a view to support our customers in:

  • Enterprise Architecture adoption strategy for business-IT alignment
  • Standardization and cost transformation
  • Application portfolio rationalization

Quality Management

In order to help clients, meet the stringent quality control and management challenges faced across industries, ERP Global offers unique quality management services to improve and maintain a high level of quality. We leverage our offshore capability to ensure maximum cost-benefit to our clients.

Some select services we offer:
  • Process implementation through quality facilitation
  • Maintenance Services through Software Engineering Process Group, Software Configuration Management Group and Software Quality Assurance Group, Defect revention Representatives and Project Management Office
  • Independent Verification & Validation Services
  • Documents Review (Process documents, Life cycle descriptions and Project work products)
  • Metrics Analysis
  • Dashboard Services
  • Consultancy on:
  • Agile software development methodologies
  • Rational Unified processes

Organization Change Management

One of the major reasons for ‘Change’ in various types of organizational initiatives failing is because there is inadequate or no ‘Change management’.

Secondary research of studies carried out by some renowned analysts reveals that:

  • 75% of all change efforts fail
  • Technology change had only 40% median success rate
  • Culture change had only 19% median success rate
  • Software development and installation had only a median success rate of 28%
  • Strategy deployment had a median success rate of only 60%
  • 72% of all reengineering efforts failed
  • 41% of all organizational change involved more than one type of change

Leading and managing Change is an important choice to be made to ensure that a Change initiative is successful and achieves the targeted business outcome.

It is therefore important to choose a right consulting partner for leading and managing an organizational Change.

How Newk Solutions can help You 

We have considerable experience in managing change related to a wide-spectrum of areas such as:

  • Outsourcing
  • ERP implementation
  • Technology change
  • Business process reengineering
  • Restructuring & downsizing
  • Deployment of new business strategies
  • Knowledge management driven change
  • Strategy implementations
Newk Solutions Advantage
  • Team of expert consultants: We leverage our experience of leading and managing Change in Fortune 100 companies, worldwide.
  • Comprehensive, flexible, customized solution: Our Change management solution is comprehensive and not piece-meal. Our principles-based, and flexible approach helps us to provide a solution customized to the unique needs of your company and project.
  • ‘Single Team’ effect: Our consultants will work ‘hands-on in the trenches’ with you to ensure maximum effectiveness.
  • Accelerated adoption: Geared to minimize operational disruptions and ensure a successful outcome, our solution ensures greater buy-in from stakeholders.
  • Proven methodology: We use a state-of-the art methodology which includes the latest and the best in the area of Change management. Our proven methodology aided by state-of-the-art tools has been adopted worldwide and is proven to deliver business outcomes. Our methodology helps to quickly deal with resistance and counteract barriers that could come in the way of a successful Change initiative.