Application Development


Do you have unique automation needs that cannot be met by a standard software product? Are you looking for a reliable partner to help you speed up time-to-market for new software products? Would you like to outsource the maintenance and support for your software assets?

Newk Solutions develops high quality custom software applications that match your unique business processes and drive your competitive advantage. A robust methodology starts with your business needs, and translates your needs to design, architecture, development and deployment of the end application.

Newk Solutions has adopted and gained considerable expertise in agile development methods to ensure that clients benefit from productivity improvements especially in terms of increased flexibility to respond to changing requirements

Additionally, we help organizations maximize their return from an Agile transition through its proven Change Management methodology that helps enterprises smoothly traverse the cultural shift required by such process changes. In the traditional arena, we offer a suite of

Methodologies and frameworks which when combined with its vast domain and technical expertise provide the best balance in terms of cost, agility, and quality for building applications that meet business requirements

By leveraging in-depth experience in product engineering as well as rigorous processes, we create high quality products that meet with your time-to-market objectives.

Accelerators and best practice components

We have therefore created the Newk Solutions Application Framework which helps jump-start the development of agile enterprise applications through service-oriented architecture concepts and design. It consists of sub-frameworks, utility services and functional services, with a set of common infrastructure services that are built on top of the base platform. The MAF helps address Quality of Service requirements, incorporates industry best practices, leverages open source and helps build reusable knowledge within Newk Solutions.

Newk Solution is committed to deliver the following benefits to its clients:
  • Improved productivity year-on-year with immediate and near-term cost saving benefits
  • Improved response to unpredictable demand and managing capacity variations in application development using our Variable Build Model
  • Speed-to-market
  • Greater cost savings via efficient and distributed service offerings and delivery models
  • Improved process efficiency and resource optimization
  • Faster development cycle with greater visibility into the development process
  • Center of Excellence for niche technologies and domain areas

Service Offerings:

  • Technology Due Diligence
    Analyze requirements, tools, and architecture to enable you to make the best decisions.

  • New application development
    Develop custom software applications that meet your unique business processes.

  • Product engineering
    Create software products through a rigorous engineering methodology.

  • Application migration
    Migrate applications to different technologies and platforms to reduce TCO and mitigate risks. 
  • Custom reports and applications
    Develop new reports and custom reporting applications, and modify existing reports.

  • Application maintenance and support
    Maintain and support applications including technical support and bug fixing.

  • Interfaces to third party software and legacy systems
    Develop interfaces for data and methods.

  • Enterprise application integration
    Integrate business processes across heterogeneous systems – products/legacy

  • Application Consulting Services
  1. Agile Readiness Assessment
  2. Agile Transformation
  3. Process & Governance Assessment
  4. Project Management and Execution
  5. User Experience / Usability Engineering for Application Development and Enhancements